Untitled Group: Automating accounting processes to simplify festival budgets across 15 departments with Sheetgo

Untitled Group event

Using Sheetgo, Untitled Group now easily controls budgets across 15 departments, from up to 20 events simultaneously.

Sheetgo has helped Melbourne-based Untitled Group transform its operations, becoming their one-stop product by streamlining accounting and reconciliation and allowing various teams to collaborate with ease.

Finding an interdepartmental solution for festival budgeting

  • Difficulty collaborating with 15+ departments
  • Often running 20 live events consecutively
  • Herculean effort to coordinate and reconcile budgets

Running some of the most popular events and festivals in Australia means the Untitled Group team has multiple departments needing to access and update the event budgets. Depending on the size of the festival, this could require anywhere from five to 15 teams needing to work together.

Alongside this, the company would regularly be managing up to 20 different events at a time. This meant that it became a herculean effort to try and manage a solution that would allow each team the ability to easily view, update, and reconcile budgets.

“We then found Sheetgo. Since then, we’ve never looked back. It’s saved us hours and hours of time through having departments have individual access to their own sheets without being able to view the entire budget, which obviously contains sensitive information.” Pete Sofo, General Manager at Untitled Group

Having tried a multitude of different platforms and solutions, such as Coupler.io together with Sheets and ArrayFormulas, they were unable to find a solution that provided them with everything they needed to enhance efficiency and reduce the risk of mistakes.

A centralized budgeting system with Sheetgo

  • Centralized Profit & Loss Sheet per event
  • One-click automation for each team
  • Each department maintains ownership of own budget

Thanks to Sheetgo, Untitled Group was able to transform its operations, enjoying a far more efficient and smoother process. Each team now works from one primary Profit and Loss (P&L) Sheet.

Using the Split feature, data is split per department allowing each department to work on their own budgets in their own time while still having all data synced.

“It gives me, and the directors, the ability to control the flow of information and who’s able to view what. The workflow is really helpful in ensuring we get autonomy and accountability from each department, but we also get accurate information in real-time.”

Pete Sofo, General Manager at Untitled Group

For any new events that Untitled Group begins working on, Sheetgo also allows them to utilize a workflow template. This unique feature helps them to quickly replicate the elements, processes, permissions, and reconciliations already in place on an existing document.

Saving 1 day per week with a fully-automated budgeting workflow

  • Saving 1 day of work per week
  • Tailored to 15 different departments
  • One-click automation
  • 100% budgeting privacy

Untitled Group were clear from the start with what they required. Having used an array of different solutions on the market, they found that they either did not meet their requirements or were too glitchy. In the fast-moving world of live events, this can quickly lead to major issues.

The Sheetgo solution ensures data privacy across 15+ different departments budgets, whilst still maintaining 1 source of truth.

“For us, Sheetgo could be our one-stop product, allowing us to replace much more expensive SaaS products. Alongside that, it will also allow us to leverage the power of Google Drive and Google Sheets in the back end, ensuring myself and the team require just one UX to manage our many events.” Pete Sofo, General Manager at Untitled Group

The team at Untitled Group no longer struggle with streamlining budgets and can now assure that each event runs smoothly and all teams are aligned. Sheetgo saved their team member 1 day of unnecessary work per week.

They now have a flexible, customizable budgeting solution whilst still using the tools they already know and use: spreadsheets.

Untitled Group logo
Untitled Group is one of the largest independently-owned music and events companies in Australia. Selling hundreds of thousands of tickets annually, the company puts on some of the most popular festivals in the country, including the likes of Beyond The Valley, Pitch Music & Arts, and Wildlands.
Melbourne, Australia
Industry Event management
Features used
Google Sheets
Merge from a folder
Transfer formatting